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Collective Participation and Action

The Equality Collective campaigns are driven by community needs and intersect key socio-economic rights. We provide the support (research, technical and organising support) for the collective participation and action of marginalised communities. Our campaigns to date involve the right to early childhood development (ECD) and the right to water.

Right to water 

The Amanzi Kumntu Wonke (Water for All) project forms part of the Equality Collective’s collective participation focus area and our right to water stream of work. This work is implemented in partnership with Viva con Agua. It emerged because our regional water scheme (Mncwasa Water Scheme), built by Amathole District Municipality in 2015 to provide water to 6,100 households and over 30,000 people across 40 villages, is not delivering consistent and reliable water.

Right to ECD


Early Childhood Development (ECD) is essential for the growth and development of millions of young children in South Africa.  Our vision is to ensure an enabling policy, legal and regulatory environment that guarantees that all children in South Africa can access the right to ECD.


We believe that progressive change in the country’s ECD laws and policies is only possible if the sector stands united around its challenges and solutions, and maintains collective pressure for change. That is why we helped found the Real Reform for ECD movement in 2020.

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Contact us

Physical Address:

Nqileni Village
Xhora Mouth Administrative Area
Eliotdale District

Tel: 047 577 8908


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Equality Collective


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Equality Collective NPC number: 2020/125379/08 | NPO number: 245-024 NPO | PBO number: 930070599

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