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We need a new social compact that places children at the centre of national development. Here are five opportunities to make this happen.
When political parties agreed to form a Government of National Unity (GNU), they committed to an inclusive national dialogue with...
Amanzi Kumntu Wonke: A community in action for consistent access to water
By Noluvo Mandukwini The Equality Collective is based in the deep rural Eastern Cape, along the Wild Coast, in Nqileni village. The area...
Political action and collective power — how to hold our municipalities accountable
For 25 years, the government has come up with a range of varying formulas aimed at improving the state of local government, but we find...
Op-Ed: How do we free ourselves?
Despite the government’s attempt to “consolidate and safeguard democratic gains” this Freedom Day, the question “are we really free?” has...
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